
Showing posts with the label Week 15(3)


  In this weeks Ruby 2d game we had to add Rigid body's and Box Colliders to the Ruby so that a reaction would happen if Ruby crashed into something and we also added boxes to the scene. Some scripting was involved too. I had to create a C # Script which was not unusual to me as I have did that last semester in Unity. I copied the code which was on unity to my script and it worked well. I found that Ruby that was colliding from the box, but it was from a distance to the box that I had created. I then customised the box colliders.   I try to make the colliders close to make them arm length so the distance from the colliders on ruby to the box would be short so it will seem like there is a wall when ruby goes to the box. I also customised the box collider on the box too. Overall I found this weeks Unity task pretty enjoyable I did not find anything hard and got it through it pretty well, so I am pretty excited to see how next week goes and hopefully I dont struggle with any...