
For this week on Ruby's 2d game adventure we were adding collectables, which were things or items that can boost or decrease the health of Ruby in the game. Item that I decided to use was a strawberry. Just like for Ruby and the orange box I added to the scene, I had to add a box collider and I had to resize the box collider which was was easy enough. For the strawberry I had to create a script called Health Collectable. I had to copy the script from unity into the script I had created. I found no problems doing this and I had to add the health bar to Ruby. I found the scripting not too hard just as long I got the wording of the code right.

I think overall I found this weeks Unity tutorial for this week pretty good. I was able to do everything which is good. I did struggle a bit with scripting when it came to adding the current health in the script but I was able figure it out, and it was no stress after that part hopefully I can go on to next week and continue this progress for the future weeks.



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