Game Stories
What is a Game Story?
From my reading and understanding, a game story is conflict that occurs or happens in a game. The storyline happens throughout
The Importance of a Game Story?
There are various reasons, why a game designer might have a game story to their game. One of the few reasons is that other games that have reached a high level of success have some sort of storyline. Simplicity seems to be the essence with these stories too. Choices from the player can affect the story too, so it makes the player in tune with the story.
How a classical story works is that, you have a protagonist, being the hero and that characters world has been disrupted by an incident that has happened. An example this would be Grand Theft Auto "Vice City. Then what usually entails next is that a gap opens up in the characters life that happened previously. The character tries the convectional way of handling his or hers problem, however that leads him into failure . The character in the game has to take major risks in the game to try and solve the problem, but along the way the character has obstacles that try to block him along way.
Around this point of the storyline there usually is reversal, meaning that the character in the game will discover something new that he or she did not know before. This in turn will then open up another gap in the game, and after the going through the second gap there might be another gap that opens up. In this gap the Character will have to take the biggest gap of all , but usually this gap will lead the character to an orderly life.
All in all, I think that the readings were good and really learned a lot why a game might be influenced to add a storyline into their game.
deuces ✌
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