
Literature review

               Literature Review   This week I was working on the things I missed in the year, this would include things like the thematic review and the other things like the ten bibliographies on a topic I had chosen from earlier in the semester. I also had to finish the Ruby game tutorial which I had completed along with the blogs. So what after completing Ruby the 2d game, the first thing I had to do was finish my thematic review. At first I found this hard. I had to go through the ten bibliographies I had created earlier on in the semester. I was analysing them extensively to see what the comparisons were and what the contrasts were. The main topic from all the bibliographies that I had collected were business/gambling in the gaming industry. From looking and comparing I found numerous similarities in the bibliographies such as the similarities that the gaming industry has with gambling industry, like the features that are being used in the betting industry such as pay as you go

thematic Review

  Thematic Review One common theme I have seen from my reading of the bibliographies that I worked on is the use of money in the gaming industry. In the first bibliography it talks about the gambling aspect of how the gaming industry encourages people to gamble. There might be features like " pay as you go" or bonuses if you reach a cert point. Features like these may be encouraging young adult to spend their money and could be encouraging gambling. In the bibliography "Role of Virtual Gambling and Gaming Behaviours" it talks about how social media and Gaming has affect on young adults getting into gambling in a young age in contrast to the earlier bibliography. Another common theme I have noticed in the bibliographies that I have collected is that in the gaming industry is the marketing models that are used. In Nora's "Paid and Free Digital Business Models Innovations in the Video Gaming Industry", it talks about the models companies in the gaming ind

Reading Biblographies

Author Oliver McGarr. Title, Its influence on traditional lecture, Date February 11 2021. In this piece it breaks down what is a podcast and the genealogy of how it was originated. It also breaks down the mechanics of what a podcast is. In this article it also discusses it answers what are the educational uses of podcasts in teaching and can podcasts help with mobile learning. It also discuss in what ways that podcasts will influence lectures. In the article it talks about what traditional lecturing is and how it has shaped teaching and the educational system. In this part of the article it talks about what lectures are and how lectures have been the mainstay in education system in universities. Over a numerous of years there have been questions if lectures still stand and compete with other methods of learning such as films and just going into a library and just reading however this tradition lecturing method has stood at the forefront of teaching and learning even with the introducti


  This week in unity I wanted to  add the audio to the characters and to the background to the game to give it more of a listening experience to the person playing the game. I think this week was enjoyable considering that this week was last Unity Tutorial of the semester. I can honestly tell you that I learned a lot in this semesters unity, however that being said I think that I wont be sticking to the gaming side of this course because I don't think its for me. I still gave it a try and even though it had its ups and down I still managed to learn a lot. I learned that I should not leave things to the last minute and to do things in chunks. I should have a goal and break down into little steps and follow them small steps till I have completed the goal.


For this week I added a new character and the character called Jambi, who is a frog. I also had to add a C # Script which I found easy to do. After positioning Jambi I had to add an animator to the character to the character. The animation that I added was making Jambi the frog twitch and control the pace of the frog twitch. Just like before I added a box collider to the frog. I also put the character in prefabs, so there could be more if I wanted. Then added some scripting to it  In this week I felt like I enjoyed it a bit more than a couple of weeks because I felt that this week was a bit more easier, so I could get along with this weeks Unity tutorial fairly simply. I did not really struggle with anything in this week, so I really enjoyed it.  


For this week I had to do Cinemachine and particles. I did not add the cinemachine because on the package manager it not appear on the screen like it said it would. I looked for solutions for the problem online but I could not find anything, so after a few hours I decided to leave it and move on to particles. So I went to do the particles part for this week. I went into the effects called VFX and there was something called particles clicked into it and changed the settings in it. I also went into Sprite editor and changed the slice to the settings that was given to me in the Unity instructions then I added the smoke effect to the screen. Overall I think that this weeks Unity tutorial was very frustrating because I could not figure out how to get the cinemachine on my Unity for some reason. I could get the particles working though, which was pretty fun and the process of adding it was pretty easy. I think if I find it simple to follow and can follow it I tend to enjoy working, however I


In this week of unity we were working on the sprite animation. For this week we were adding to animation to the characters.  First we added animation to the robot enemy that got added to the scene. We did this by adding an animation sprite component to the Robot to make it walk up and down across the screen. I called the sprite Robot and after I added it to the robot. I also had to create a folder for the animation clips in my folder and after putting it in my folder. then on the screen and then scripted the Robot to repeat that sequence. I think this week was a little bit harder for me because the robot was not moving. I manged to add the animation but I couldn't fix the script to make the character go forward and that made me very frustrated so I did some research online and finally found the solution and managed to get it to work. I think I learned perseverance to keep going even when frustrated, however from that everything else was pretty good and enjoyable seeing the characte